Orion Szathmary photo


Orion Szathmary


TradeZero Canada

About Orion

Orion is TradeZero Canada's CEO and an online investing industry expert with more than 15 years of experience spanning senior leadership roles at Canada's largest online brokerages and executive positions across technology and operations strategy, product strategy, and client engagement.

Orion's Videos

Join Orion Szathmary, CEO of TradeZero Canada, for a 30-minute session showcasing the features that matter most to many active traders. Discover how custom hotkey shortcuts can streamline your trading, allowing for quick and efficient order execution. Explore advanced order types like range and contingent orders, which offer greater flexibility in your trading strategies. Enjoy free liquidity-adding orders for stock trades, flat-rate commissions of $0.59 per contract for options trades, and 24/7 customer support. This session is your chance to see how TradeZero Canada's toolkit can support your active trading goals, all while benefiting from training, education, and round-the-clock service. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how TradeZero Canada is changing the game for Canadian day traders.